时间:1975-06-27 至 1975-07-08
- 官方网站:www.berlinale.de
评审团奖 / Jury Prize ( Special Jury Prize )
As every summer, Georges Lajoie, his wife Ginette and grown-up son Léon go on holiday to Loulou's campsite. They join old friends, the Schumachers and the Colins. Brigitte Colin, the daughter, is quite a pretty young girl now. One day, Georges rapes and murders her. He hides the body near the barracks of the immigrant Arab workers. The racism of the campers will do th…
最佳男演员 Best Actor
伏拉基米尔·布劳德斯基(1920年12月15日- 2002年4月20)是一个受尊敬的捷克演员。他出演了一百多部电影,被认为是战后捷克电影发展的关键人物。 他最著名的角色之一是在《撒谎者雅各布》(Jakob derLügner)中担任主角,并因此获得了第25届柏林国际电影节最佳男主角银熊奖。他还在热门儿童电视连续剧阿拉贝拉(Arabela)中扮演国王,并在《访客》(The Visitors)中扮演阿洛伊斯(AloisDrchlík)。 他最后的电…
竞赛单元最佳影片 Competition
As in his earlier films, this uncompromising Iranian director works through repetition, his style so unemphatic that the slightest modulation (the same action seen from different perspectives, for instance) carries a charge. Saless' camera simply fastens, in long, uninflected takes, on the daily rountine of a Turkish worker in Berlin, a Gastarbeiter like any other. We see…
论坛及新电影论坛最佳影片 Forum Or Forum of New Cinema
This is a typical early Mrinal Sen film. Bold, brash and hammering home his political philosophy. The difference is in the treatment and the screenplay. This film uses the idiom of the absurd theatre to make its point - typical of Mohit Chattopadhyay's plays . Thus we have Robi Ghosh, in many a disguise, acting as the "Sutradhar" and delivering the political message. Th…
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