时间:1993-02-11 至 1993-02-22
- 官方网站:www.berlinale.de
银熊奖 Silver Berlin Bear ( Silberner Bär )

Idrissa Ouedraogo’s Yam Daabo (1987), in which the child of a peasant family is killed in a traffic accident in the big city, and the same director’s Samba Traoré (1992), is about a prodigal son who returns to the village after having committed armed robbery in the capital. The movie combines the conflicts between tradition and change and the city versus the village i…
最佳导演 Best Director
杰出艺术成就奖 / Outstanding Artistic Contribution ( Outstanding Artistic Achievement )

The film is about a doctor named Gela Bendeliani (Elgudzha Burduli) and his wealthless family in Tbilisi in Soviet Georgia. In the film Gela Bendeliani has an unlimited capacity for generosity and forgiveness. He has been working in a government institution, privately experimenting on white mice for 23 years to find a cure for cancer. The authorities disapprove of his wor…
特别提及 Special Mention ( Honourable Mention )

Two brothers both of which can neither read nor write making their way across Germany in order to claim to their inheritance. On their way they meet Viktor, a deserted soldier of the sowjet red army and Nadine, a beautiful young woman. Later an incident with some highwaymen, which can be solved easily with Viktor's kalashnikov, they become accused for murder - something …
荣誉金熊奖 Honorary Golden Berlin Bear ( 终身成就奖/Lifetime Achievement )


柏林金摄影机奖 Berlinale Camera

朱丽叶·比诺什,法国著名女演员。1964年3月9日生于法国巴黎,在法国电影圈的丽人中,朱丽叶·比诺什算不上是最漂亮的,也不是作品最多的,却是演技最棒,最富智慧,最具国际影响的法国 女演员,也是法国片酬最高的女演员。1986年,比诺什在法国年轻导演卡拉卡斯《卑贱的血统》中崭露头角;1988年,25岁的比诺什以影片《布拉格之恋》一举成名。她的母亲是个演员,父亲是个雕刻家。 比诺什获得过奥斯卡金…

巩俐,生于辽宁省沈阳市,祖籍山东济南,女电影演员,曾担任第九、第十届全国政协委员。现为新加坡国籍。1987年,巩俐首次被导演张艺谋选中出演抗战爱情片《红高粱》中女主角“九儿”,一位能干的农村妇女,从而正式进入娱乐圈开启了与第五代导演长达十五年的合作旅程;该片获得第38届柏林国际电影节金熊奖,成为华语影坛首部获得欧洲三大国际电影节最佳影片奖的,且同时获得了1988年中国电影金鸡奖与大众电影百花奖最佳影片 。198…
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