时间:1991-02-15 至 1991-02-26
- 官方网站:www.berlinale.de
最佳影片 Best Film
评审团奖 / Jury Prize ( Special Jury Prize )

What constitutes a sufficient motivation for crimes? Can any motivation possibly excuse the man this movie compares to Satan? Certainly he knows about the stash of money a woman government official has illegally hidden away. He also knows that she occasionally has affairs, and despite that she has rejected his sexual advances, even though he is coldly charming and quite h…
柏林金摄影机奖 Berlinale Camera

姓名:简 拉塞尔年龄:89出生地:Bemidji, Minnesota, USA星座:双子座出生日期:1921年6月21日逝世日期:2011年2月28日原名:Ernestine Jane Geraldine Russell身高:5' 7" (1.70 m)简 拉塞尔生于明尼苏达州,早期曾做过牙科护士和摄影模特儿。1941年被选中出演影片《不法之徒》中一名妖艳的女子,由此开始其银幕表演生涯。此片1943年曾短暂上映,引起轩然大波,1950年1月起遭到禁映。之后…

论坛及新电影论坛最佳影片 Forum Or Forum of New Cinema
最佳电影 Best Feature Film

One of the great late period films by Sacha Guitry — the total auteur who delighted (and scandalised) the French public and inspired the French New Wave as a model for authorship as director-writer-star of screen and stage alike. In every one of his pictures (and almost every one served as a rueful examination of the war between the sexes), Guitry sculpted by way of…
最佳短片 Best Short Film

Anna, an agency worker, takes her dog for a morning walk before doing her shopping. Searching through the discounted items, Anna wanders through the supermarket trying to find the most affordable necessities. As her groceries edge towards the checkout, her agency calls; she has lost her shift. What will she do? The Shift aims to capture the vulnerable condition of a tempo…
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