时间:2020-02-20 至 2020-03-01
- 官方网站:www.berlinale.de
评审团大奖 / Jury Grand Prix ( Silver Bear Extraordinary Jury Prize )
最佳女演员 Best Actress
Paula Berry gained his first acting and dance experience with the Youth Ensemble of Berlin's Friedrichstadt Palast. In 2009, the 14-year-old was at her Berlin school approached by an acting agent and the casting of Chris Kraus's film poll (2010) invited. Although Berry had little acting experience, she beat out more than 2,500 candidates and was given t…
荣誉金熊奖 Honorary Golden Berlin Bear ( 终身成就奖/Lifetime Achievement )
海伦·米伦1945年出生在英国伦敦,祖父是白俄罗斯的移民,父亲在1917年苏联革命成功后逃到英国伦敦,一家人在那里扎下根。当演员之前,为了应付父母要她从事高尚的职业的要求,海伦·米伦当过三年教师,直到22岁,海伦·米勒终于说服父母当上演员。 奥斯卡影后1965年主演舞台剧《埃及艳后》,因表现出色而在两年后加入了皇家莎士比亚剧团。1968年她在影片《仲夏夜之梦》中出演角色,自此在大西洋两岸的…
竞赛单元最佳影片 Competition
The original Broadway production of "Ondine" by Jean Giraudoux opened at the 46th Street Theater in New York on February 18, 1954 and ran for 157 performances. Academy Award winning actress Audrey Hepburn won the 1954 Tony Award (New York City) for Actress in a Drama and starred in this production with her husband Mel Ferrer. Her only other Broadway appearance wa
论坛及新电影论坛最佳影片 Forum Or Forum of New Cinema
社会改革类型的影片,通过人性问题的描述,探讨社会变迁的问题。 一个孟买的街头小贩,在获取一笔财富之后,摇身一变,成为一个剥削他人的雇主,一心一意想融入英国殖民者的社会。(《电影的故事》p81)
评审团奖 Teddy Jury Award
Claudio, 35 years old, manager, has been HIV+ for ten years. His life is marked by the medicine he has to take, his monthly medical examination, his humdrum job, and his long-term relationship with Dario. But when he meets Andrea, a sweet and handsome waiter, his certainties shatter.
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