时间:2005-02-10 至 2005-02-20
- 官方网站:www.berlinale.de
最佳影片 Best Film
最佳短片 Best Short Film


Anna, an agency worker, takes her dog for a morning walk before doing her shopping. Searching through the discounted items, Anna wanders through the supermarket trying to find the most affordable necessities. As her groceries edge towards the checkout, her agency calls; she has lost her shift. What will she do? The Shift aims to capture the vulnerable condition of a tempo…
柏林金摄影机奖 Berlinale Camera


最佳短片 Best Short Film

Anna, an agency worker, takes her dog for a morning walk before doing her shopping. Searching through the discounted items, Anna wanders through the supermarket trying to find the most affordable necessities. As her groceries edge towards the checkout, her agency calls; she has lost her shift. What will she do? The Shift aims to capture the vulnerable condition of a tempo…
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