时间:1989-02-10 至 1989-02-21
- 官方网站:www.berlinale.de
最佳影片 Best Film
阿弗雷鲍尔奖 / Alfred Bauer Prize ( 敢斗奖 )

Multiple-value and tangled relationships between servant and boss… Imperceptible displacement of recognizable reality… Metaphysical dimension of our lives…
荣誉金熊奖 Honorary Golden Berlin Bear ( 终身成就奖/Lifetime Achievement )

达斯汀霍夫曼1937年8月8日出生于洛杉矶的一个中产阶级家庭,受喜好电影艺术的父母的影响,他从小就喜欢模仿与表演。大学期间,他对戏剧十分着迷。从洛杉矶音乐学院毕业后,他于1958年来到纽约的一个著名的演员讲习所学习表演理论与技巧。但是他的平平相貌和直爽脾性令他一直没有成名的机会。不久后走上社会的霍夫曼更是屡遭挫折,一度两次做过精神病院的看护人和饭店的洗盘工。 一次遇然机会,他在话剧《…
柏林金摄影机奖 Berlinale Camera

论坛及新电影论坛最佳影片 Forum Or Forum of New Cinema
最佳电影 Best Feature Film

这部电影讲述了一个生活在乡下天真的小伙子巴迪,刚刚来到曼哈顿便坠入爱河的故事!除去里面有一段互打飞机的场景,这应该算一部平淡温馨的电影了! http://www.kan84.net/bdhd/btFunDownThere1988.html

A mystery man brings together a group of dead, gay artists to investigate a police response to the dilema of wash-room sex in Toronto. The artists have seven days in which to report on the ethics of police tactics. The artists infiltrate the police only to discover that they themselves are under surveillance as a political subversive group. The artists explore and report …
最佳纪录片 Best Documentary Film

In the Seventeenth Century, in England, the naive and pure Caroline invites her cousin and best friend Barbara Worth to come from London and stay with her a couple of days before her wedding with her beloved bridegroom, the wealthy magistrate Sir Ralph Skelton. The selfish, evil and wicked Barbara uses her beauty and seduces the weak Ralph, who falls in love for her. Car…
最佳短片 Best Short Film

A black and white, fantasy-like recreation of high-society gay men during the Harlem Renaissance, with archival footage and photographs intercut with a story. A wake is going on, with mourners gathered around a coffin. Downstairs is an elegant bar where tuxedoed men dance and talk. One of them has a dream in which he comes upon Beauty, who seems to reject him, although …
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