
The 28th Berlin International Film Festival (1978) 历届列表
  • 时间:1978-02-22 至 1978-03-05
  • 官方网站:www.berlinale.de

最佳影片 Best Film

最佳短片 Best Short Film

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评审团奖 / Jury Prize ( Special Jury Prize )

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纳尔逊·泽维尔 /鲁伊·古雷拉

http://www.answers.com/topic/a-queda-1#ixzz20YZcf15G When a construction worker falls to his death due to a deliberate laxness in safety regulations, the construction foreman's son-in-law attempts to get some compensation from the construction company for the man's widow. Instead, he runs…

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最佳导演 Best Director

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最佳男演员 Best Actor

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最佳女演员 Best Actress

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杰出艺术成就奖 / Outstanding Artistic Contribution ( Outstanding Artistic Achievement )

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以纪录片的外貌出现,虚构一场政治事件的爆发。布什总统在芝加哥演说结束的空隙,遭到不明身份的歹徒枪击。 人们赶紧把总统送至当地的医院抢救。伤口正在恶化的同时,当局也在加紧查明凶手。据他们推测,枪击应该来源对面高楼的第20层。而最可疑的目标,就是曾经在本国当过兵的叙利亚人…


Octavio Cortázar


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最佳短片 Best Short Film

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The Shift


Anna, an agency worker, takes her dog for a morning walk before doing her shopping. Searching through the discounted items, Anna wanders through the supermarket trying to find the most affordable necessities. As her groceries edge towards the checkout, her agency calls; she has lost her shift. What will she do? The Shift aims to capture the vulnerable condition of a tempo…

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特别表彰 Special Recognition

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竞赛单元最佳影片 Competition

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论坛及新电影论坛最佳影片 Forum Or Forum of New Cinema

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The film's plot centered on "the illegal trade in blood donations against the backdrop poverty and life in shanty-towns". A young man, Ali (Saeed Kangarani), takes his sick father (Esmail Mohammadi) to a hospital in Tehran. When his father is unable to be admitted, they wait outside the hospital and meet Sameri (Ezzatollah Entezami). Dr. Sameri offers them enough mone…

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