时间:1994-09-01 至 1994-09-12
- 官方网站:www.labiennale.org
终身成就金狮奖 Career Golden Lion (Golden Lion For Lifetime Achievement)


阿尔·帕西诺(1940年4月25日-)出生于美国纽约市,美国著名电影演员,1992年奥斯卡最佳男主角奖得主。早年,帕西诺就因出演《教父》(The Godfather)及《教父2》而家喻户晓。1993年,因在电影《闻香识女人》(Scent of a Woman)中的精湛演技,获得当年奥斯卡最佳男演员奖。剧中,他扮演性格暴躁,偏激的退休军官。在一次手榴弹事故中双目失明。但是,他可以靠灵敏的鼻子辨别周围女人身上的香味。…
皮埃特罗·比安奇奖 Pietro Bianchi Award

托尼诺·格拉(Tonino Guerra),意大利著名编剧。与意大利名导演安东尼奥尼合作过多部经典作品,他亦是意大利著名诗人。1967年后,在与意大利另一著名导演佛朗赤斯高罗西(FRANCESCO ROSI)的合作中,成功地将其早期强烈的纪录片风格转变为诗性写实主义电影。与大师级导演费里尼也合作过多部佳作。
荣誉提及 Honorable Mention

Director Idrissa Ouedraogo's sixth feature, The Cry of the Heart, takes us on a journey with strangers to a strange land, and shows us that demons, even if only imagined, can be devastatingly real. Sometimes, love and understanding aren't enough, and there are occasions when it takes the aid of an outsider to fight that single, decisive battle. …
Telepiù Award

Anna, an agency worker, takes her dog for a morning walk before doing her shopping. Searching through the discounted items, Anna wanders through the supermarket trying to find the most affordable necessities. As her groceries edge towards the checkout, her agency calls; she has lost her shift. What will she do? The Shift aims to capture the vulnerable condition of a tempo…
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