时间:1987-08-29 至 1987-09-09
- 官方网站:www.labiennale.org
金狮奖 Golden Lion
最佳布景设计奖 Best Set Design
This movie, based on a novel by Giorgio Bassani, plays in the high-day of Mussolini's Fascist Italy. Eraldo is a golden boy, a stunningly beautiful college student and boxer, popular and spoiled rotten by his mother. To keep living beyond his means he 'gratiously accepts' the generous, rarely returned favors of Dr. Fadigati, an elder, gay gentleman who tries to live hi…
最佳造型 Best Costumes
This movie, based on a novel by Giorgio Bassani, plays in the high-day of Mussolini's Fascist Italy. Eraldo is a golden boy, a stunningly beautiful college student and boxer, popular and spoiled rotten by his mother. To keep living beyond his means he 'gratiously accepts' the generous, rarely returned favors of Dr. Fadigati, an elder, gay gentleman who tries to live hi…
终身成就金狮奖 Career Golden Lion (Golden Lion For Lifetime Achievement)
约瑟夫· L· 曼凯维奇(Joseph L· Mankiewicz),1909年2月1日,生于宾夕法尼亚州威尔克斯-巴里。他19岁哥伦比亚大学毕业,20年代任芝加哥《论坛报》驻柏林记者期间,为德国乌发影片公司把字幕译制成英语,并于归国后与兄长赫尔曼·J·曼凯维奇(《公民凯恩》的剧作者之一)一道为派拉蒙影业公司编剧。并于1946年开始执导影片。1993年2月5日病逝于纽约,享年83岁。
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