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最佳电影 Best Film
This is one of the classic Soviet silent films. The story is about a family torn apart by a worker's strike. At first, the mother wants to protect her family from the troublemakers, but eventually she realizes that her son is right and the workers should strike. The plot is similar to other Soviet films of the era but does focus more on the individual than some of Eisen…
最佳编剧 Best Screenwriter
This is one of the classic Soviet silent films. The story is about a family torn apart by a worker's strike. At first, the mother wants to protect her family from the troublemakers, but eventually she realizes that her son is right and the workers should strike. The plot is similar to other Soviet films of the era but does focus more on the individual than some of Eisen…
卓越亚洲电影人大奖 Excellence in Asian Cinema Award
张艺谋,电影导演,北京奥运会开幕式总导演,他以执导充满浓浓中国乡土情味的电影著称,艺术特点是细节的逼真和主题的浪漫互相映照,是中国大陆“第五代导演” 的代表人物之一 。2010年5月24日获颁美国耶鲁大学荣誉博士学位。在中国,张艺谋似乎是电影界的一个神话,他从来不拍电视剧,只拍电影;而他的电影、不论是城市题材还是农村题材,不论是现代还是当代,总是令人刮目相看。在张艺谋看来,“城市题材和农村题…
终身成就奖 Lifetime Achievement Award
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