
The 4th Shanghai International Film Festival (1999) 历届列表
  • 时间:1999-10-22 至 1999-10-31
  • 官方网站:www.siff.com

最佳影片 Best Feature Film

银爵奖最佳影片 / Silver Goblet ( Second Best Feature Film )

获 奖

Hilde Heier

Siv works as a prompter for the Norwegian opera. As the rehearsals for Aida starts, she marries a demanding man, Fred, who still has a strong connection to his ex-wife. Starting at her wedding, Siv must repeatedly take a back seat, both to Freds children and their mother. But when she meets a man who shares her passion for music, she starts to quest

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获 奖

A psychologist discovers he only has months left to live and turns a psychiatric hospital upside down as he challenges the conventional psychiatric wisdom and drug treatments as he works with a group teenage psychiatric patients. In the process he falls in love with Charlotte, a doctor, but pushes her away afraid of becoming involved. He achieves mixed results with his pat…

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最佳导演 Best Director

获 奖


山田洋次,日本著名编剧、导演 ,1954年毕业于东京大学法学部,同年进入松竹公司任导演助手。1956年开始撰写电影剧本,被拍成影片的主要有《创造明天的少女》、《黎明的地平线》等。1961年成为导演,执导的第一部影片是《二楼的房客》。山田洋次是一个道尽日本人心事的电影大师,有「喜剧山田」、「庶民剧大导」之称,更在国内被封为「日本人心灵的代言人」,他擅长喜剧和反映普通平民生活的影片的创作,19…

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最佳男演员 Best Actor

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最佳女演员 Best Actress

获 奖


艾丽娅,女,1965年12月生,内蒙古人,中国电影女演员。1986年在影片《狼迹》中饰演女主角。1994年在著名导演周晓文导演的影片《二嫫》中饰演一个与自己的性格反差极大的河北农村妇女形象,对农村妇女心态的把握层次感和分寸感十分到位,贴近生活,她所塑造的山区妇女形象不同以往类型角色,具有典型意义。艾丽娅善于表现外形粗犷的女性,在表演中注意对人物内心的阐释,是当代非常走红的女影星。代表作品:《大宅门》 《地久天长…

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最佳音乐 Best Music

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获 奖

There are a number of problems with this production of Shakespeare's classic comedy, but overall, it is a joy to watch. I have always loved the work that Olivia de Havilland has produced, but there are a number of times in this film where she literally screams lines that call for a bit more subtlety. Another problem at least in my mind is that the long ballet sequences …

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