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最佳影片 Best Motion Picture of the Year
最佳男主角 Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
最佳女主角 Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role
最佳女配角 Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
Shirley Mae Jones (born March 31, 1934) is an American actress and singer. In her six decades of show business, she has starred as wholesome characters in a number of well-known musical films, such as Oklahoma! (1955), Carousel (1956), and The Music Man (1962). She won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for playing a vengeful prostitute in E…
最佳原创剧本 Best Writing Original Screenplay
彩色片最佳摄影 Best Cinematography Color
This edition has been mastered from a good 16mm reduction print that is contrasty and dark, with a few blasted-out highlights but also with dark, featureless shadows, which makes discerning picture details rather difficult. The film looks slightly better here than on Grapevine’s VHS videotape release of the 1990s. …
最佳剪辑 Best Achievement in Film Editing
C. C. Baxter(杰克·莱蒙 Jack Lemmon饰)是纽约一个大公司的小职员,他的单身公寓经常被公司的高层们用去当作幽会的场所,Baxter也因此获得不少升迁的机会。Baxter暗恋着公司的电梯女郎Fran Kubelik(雪莉·麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 饰),这天他终于鼓起勇气约了她晚上一起去看一出戏剧。然而Baxter等了一晚却未见Fran的踪影,原来Fran是公司的高管有妇之夫Jeffery Sheldrake(弗莱德·麦克莫瑞 Fred MacMurray…
最佳特效 Best Effects Special Effects
十九世纪末,亚历山大-哈特德根(Alexander Hartdegen,盖伊-皮尔斯饰,Guy Pearce)发明了一种时光机器,这种机器可以将他带入80万年以后的未来。在那里,他发现人类已经进化成了二个种族:艾洛伊族(Eloi)和莫洛克斯族(Morlocks)…… 跨越19、20世纪的传奇科幻小说作家H.G.威尔斯(…
黑白片最佳艺术指导和布景 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration Black-and-White
Alexandre Trauner /Edward G. Boyle
C. C. Baxter(杰克·莱蒙 Jack Lemmon饰)是纽约一个大公司的小职员,他的单身公寓经常被公司的高层们用去当作幽会的场所,Baxter也因此获得不少升迁的机会。Baxter暗恋着公司的电梯女郎Fran Kubelik(雪莉·麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 饰),这天他终于鼓起勇气约了她晚上一起去看一出戏剧。然而Baxter等了一晚却未见Fran的踪影,原来Fran是公司的高管有妇之夫Jeffery Sheldrake(弗莱德·麦克莫瑞 Fred MacMurray…
彩色片最佳艺术指导和布景 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration Color
Eric Orbom /亚历山大·高利思 /Julia Heron /罗素·A·盖斯曼
This edition has been mastered from a good 16mm reduction print that is contrasty and dark, with a few blasted-out highlights but also with dark, featureless shadows, which makes discerning picture details rather difficult. The film looks slightly better here than on Grapevine’s VHS videotape release of the 1990s. …
彩色片最佳服装设计 Best Costume Design Color
This edition has been mastered from a good 16mm reduction print that is contrasty and dark, with a few blasted-out highlights but also with dark, featureless shadows, which makes discerning picture details rather difficult. The film looks slightly better here than on Grapevine’s VHS videotape release of the 1990s. …
歌舞片最佳配乐 Best Music Scoring of a Musical Picture
In a confused welter of artistic licence, this is the classical music biopic which makes 'Song to Remember'look like a masterpiece. Bogarde succeeds in diminishing the reputation of the musical colossus who spanned European music for most of the 19th Century. The absurdities of the plot, the sequoia-like quality of the acting and the prevalence of historical,musical and lin…
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