- 109 分钟
- 1984-08-08
- 剧情/喜剧
- LouPerryman/SonnyCarlDavis/DorisHargrav
The Whole Shootin’ Match
- 类型:剧情/喜剧
- 导演:EaglePennell
- 编剧:EaglePennell/LinSutherland
- 主演:LouPerryman/SonnyCarlDavis/DorisHargrave
- 制片地区:美国
- 影乐酷ID:5069371dv
- IMDB:tt0181156
- 语言:英语
- 片长:109 分钟
- 上映:1984-08-08
- 国内票房¥:暂无
- 全球票房$:暂无
- 简介:雷德福创办圣丹斯电影节的灵感来源 Two Texas blue collar buddies reach for the brass ring but continually come up empty, 20 March 2003 Author: tordiway from Dallas TX Upon director Pennell's death last year (2002)the news media reported that Robert Redford credited this film as his inspiration for creating the Sundance Institute. An affectionate and often funny look at two losers who nevertheless refuse to give up on their dreams of striking it rich. Pennell and cast shot this on weekends using short ends b&w film stock and borrowed equipment. Everybody worked for free, including Pennell's brother who provided the guitar soundtrack. Film was a minor sensation on the festival circuit - Pennell followed it across the USA and Europe and was offered work in LA as a result though things did not turn out as everybody had hoped. Leads Sonny Carl Davis and Lou Perry (Perryman) moved to LA immediately afterwards and have worked playing character parts / small parts ever since. Prints have been unavailable for many years now.
- 编辑次数:0次
- 最近更新:(2018-03-24)