简介:The series follows the daily intrigues of Sir Thomas Grey, a widower, and his sons and daughter. His children are Armus (the eldest), Richard (the serious son), Cedric (the free spirit), and his daughter Elanore (the strong-willed one). There was also a son William who appeared in the pilot episode, but vanished afterwards. This was explained away by stating that he was called to head off and fight in the crusades. Also figuring into Sir Thomas's life is his love interest, Lady Elizabeth. The show takes its name from the name of the Sir Thomas's castle, Covington Cross. While not entirely a sitcom nor an out and out drama, the show had a lighthearted feel to it. This was not by any means a terribly accurate portraying of life in the Middle Ages, nor was it meant to be. The Greys each week would face a new dilemma that would test their honor and wits to overcome. Many of these dilemmas were concocted by Sir Thomas's evil neighbor, Baron John Mullens.