简介: Lived in Pennsylvania where he spent most of his early youth. He attended Whitehall High School, PA. After his high school years, he became a student of Monmouth University. In 1998, he was a member of the Men's Soccer Team of Monmouth University. He got a Master's Degree in Psychology. After college, he worked as a model, and then entered the porn industry.
Johnny Castle 住在宾夕法尼亚州,在那里度过了他大部分的青年时光。他曾就读宾夕法尼亚州白厅高中。高中毕业后,他成为蒙茅斯大学的学生。1998年,他是蒙茅斯大学男子足球队的成员。他获得了心理学硕士学位。大学毕业后,他担任模特,然后进入色情行业。