简介: 年届半百的老男孩米榭,膝下有一个17岁的儿子和刚出生不久的孩子,但他一点也不想负起照顾责任,反而花大把时间泡在摩托车的世界里。老男孩离过婚、酗过酒、反复戒毒,还没有固定工作。明明睡得不多,却把人生活得像场失序的恶梦,总在半梦半醒之际试图挣扎著脱身,不让自己被失败淹没。
Michel, a former junkie, is an eternal kid who only dreams of motorcycles and hangs out with his eldest son, Leo, and his buddies. At the age of fifty, he has to deal with the baby he just had with his ex, and struggles not to repeat the same mistakes, while trying to be a good guy.
"I like to think that writing is a bandage to better understand elements and situations in our past and present lives. Maybe making a film allows us to transfigure misunderstandings and to try and find new byways to make it better. I start from real experiences, and I invent fiction in which characters are put in larger-than-life situations