简介:孙逊的最新3D影像作品《偷时间的人》将于2017年7月7日(纽约时间)晚11点30分在纽约时代广场展映,该艺术项目将在纽约时代广场核心外屏放映至8月7日。联动此次放映项目,香格纳画廊将于7月8日(北京时间)在西岸新空间推出孙逊一周专场放映活动,这将是《偷时间的人》在国内首次展映。 7 July 2017, electronic billboards in Times Square will light up for Sun Xun's latest 3D animation work Time Spy at 11.30pm to midnight (New York Time). This screening project will be on view till 7 August. Coinciding with the art project in New York Times Square, the screening project in China will be taking place at ShanghART Gallery west bund space on 8 July 2017.Time Spy will be shown for the first time in China.