- 60分钟
- 2011(Atlanta's LGBT Film Festival)
- Ant/ChadCasper/AlanDowns
简介:Gay men's quest for loving, lasting relationships, and what they can do to, not only find "Mr. Right" but a 展开
Man 2 Man: A Gay Man's Guide to Finding
- 导演:ChristopherHines
- 主演:Ant/ChadCasper/AlanDowns
- 制片地区:美国
- 影乐酷ID:5157689dv
- IMDB:tt1980178
- 语言:英语
- 片长:60分钟
- 上映:2011(Atlanta's LGBT Film Festival)
- 国内票房¥:暂无
- 全球票房$:暂无
- 简介:Gay men's quest for loving, lasting relationships, and what they can do to, not only find "Mr. Right" but also, keep him.