简介:改編自《MANILA BY NIGHT》和《JAGUAR》兩部小說,監製 Piolo Pascual一人分演兩位男主角︰沉淪毒海 William重出江湖,招兵買馬,為下一宗毒品大買賣鋪路;Philip為政客當保鑣,以為老闆待他至親,經槍殺事件後才恍然大悟,危機一觸即發。菲國電影界異軍突起,Alix Jr與Raya L. Martin這兩大新晉導演聯手打造馬尼拉的「日」與「夜」,黑白光影之間透視這個城市的光怪陸離,兩個單元標誌著菲國電影新力量。 Inspired by Ishmael Bernal's MANILA BY NIGHT, "Day" tackles a day in the life of meth addict William (actor and producer Piolo Pascual), who pursues his next hit while attempting to reconnect with those close to him. "Night" follows Lino Brocka's JAGUAR, telling the tale of Philip (also Pascual), a bodyguard who discovers – perhaps rudely – his true value to his politician employer. A two part indie from young filmmakers Raya Martin and Adolf Alix, Jr., MANILA pays tribute to two of the most influential directors in Philippine cinema.