
- 别名:鬍子驚魂 / The Moustache
- 类型:剧情/悬疑
- 导演:埃马努埃莱·卡雷尔
- 编剧:埃马努埃莱·卡雷尔/杰罗米·博若尔
- 主演:文森特·林顿/艾曼纽·德芙/马修·阿马立克/伊波利特·吉拉尔多/西莉亚·马基/德尼·梅诺谢/区轩玮/MachaPolikarpova/FantineCamus/FrédéricImberty/BrigitteBémol/ElizabethMarre/JérômeBertin/ThierryRoland
- 制片地区:法国
- 影乐酷ID:5126084dv
- IMDB:tt0428856
- 语言:法语 / 英语 / 粤语
- 片长:87 分钟
- 上映:2005-12-11(法国)
- 国内票房¥:暂无
- 全球票房$:暂无
- 简介:One day, thinking that it will make your wife and friends smile, you shave off the moustache that you have had for the last ten years. No one notices or, even worse, everyone pretends not to notice and your smile soon fades. Before being wiped off your face. You insist but people tell you that you've never had a moustache. Are you going mad? Are people trying to make you think you are? Or has something in the world's order gone awry at your expense? Adapting his own 1986 novel, Emmanuel Carrère – whose books Class Trip and The Adversary became Cannes Competition titles by Claude Miller and Nicole Garcia, respectively – provides a feast of sustained tension as the man's wife and his closest friends deny that he ever had a moustache. Viewers who like their conclusions tidy may rebel, but those who relish outstanding performances in the service of an intriguing idea will be entertained. The film won the Label Europa Cinemas Prize at Directors' Fortnight in Cannes. 一天,你滿心以為給妻子和朋友開個玩笑,把蓄了十年的鬍子刮掉。但可惜完全被人忽視了,或更可悲的是每個人都假裝看不到,很快,你得意的笑容不見了,笑臉再也掛不住。你堅持,但所有人都跟你說你從未蓄過鬍子。莫非你神經錯亂?是否所有人都想令你以為自己瘋掉了?又或者,是因為你的緣故而搞亂了世界的某種秩序? 本片是導演艾曼雷.卡雷爾改編自他自己一九八六年出版的小說。他的另外兩本小說《 Class Trip 》及《 The Adversary 》曾分別被葛羅特.米勒及妮歌.加西亞兩位導演改編成電影並先後成為康城影展的參選影片。在本片中,因為男人的妻子和老友否認他曾經蓄鬍子而令整個故事維持在緊張的氣氛中。 喜歡結局完整的觀眾可能會感到不高興,但欣賞引人入勝的故事和精湛演技的觀眾則會看得津津有味。本片在康城影展的導演雙週中奪得歐洲電影標籤大獎。 Source: The 34th French Cinepanorama, Hong Kong