简介:《茶》的配乐运用了很多自然声响,谭盾创作的水乐、纸乐、陶乐,以及水琴、陶鼓、纸鼓等乐器都将令观众耳目一新。为让中国版《茶》走向世界,演员们将用英文演唱。Based on historical fact, Tea: A Mirror Of Soul sketches the tale of Seikyo, a prince-cum-monk. By suffering "bitter love," Seikyo transcended a cruel destiny to achieve an austere peace, the meaning of which he teaches through tea rituals. But that is only half the story. For Seikyo's bitter love also involves a princess, an erotic passion so tainted by jealousy that it ends in death, shamanistic rituals, and fierce struggles over an ancient book of wisdom. Combining the lyricism of Italianate opera, lush Western orchestration, a male "Greek chorus," gamelan-like percussion, and the organic sounds of nature - water, paper, and stones - Tea: A Mirror Of Soul brings an ancient tale to the 21st century.