简介:生於乌拉圭梅洛(Melo)的安立奎费南德兹(Enrique Fernandez),曾多次以编剧、助导以及摄影师的身分,参与乌拉圭与德国等地的短片以及纪录片的拍摄工作。1997年,他所创作的剧本《Otario》被乌拉圭知名导演迪亚哥亚苏阿卡(Diego Arsuaga)改拍成电影,并获邀参加西班牙圣赛巴提昂国际影展(Festival of San Sebastian)竞赛,打开了安立奎费南德兹的知名度,使众人注意到他才华洋溢的编剧能力。 Set in the 40s, the story of a wealthy Spanish who hires a private detective to find her husband disappeared some time in Montevideo. In this city, the detective will meet with a bully that regentea a bad cabaret death along with his lover and other characters in the marginal world.