简介:SYNOPSIS Fashion model Hye-ja and young entrepreneur Chun In-su are about to have their engagement party when it is disrupted by In-su's brother Chun Go-seong. In-su had inherited the family fortune over his brother because of Go-seong's immoral way of life. In revenge, Go-seong decides to kill his younger brother. To cover up the crime, he threatens Hye-ja with her past and sexually tortures her. When Go-seong finds out from a lawyer that his brother's fortune will go to Hye-ja, Go-seong starts planning to do away with her. To protect herself from Go-seong, Hye-ja hires a young bodyguard named Kang-cheol and pretends to be mentally ill. Hye-ja throws herself into her plans of revenge and bribes Kang-cheol to help her. On his birthday, Hye-ja lures Go-seong and then has Kang-cheol to…. 故事 时装模特惠 - 一个年轻商人和JA折磨性庆祝订婚,在cheoninsu键入一个千个城堡是tangah威胁hagetdaneun杀死了他的报复弟弟被剥夺他的兄弟父母遗留下来的,谁发现的事实是,在过去,惠 - JA称为cheoninsu混合物应该掩盖杀戮。一千城堡是doeja发现,要回他的弟弟未婚妻的财产,惠 - JA从律师试图杀死惠 - JA阴谋,惠 - JA是一种变相的心理,以防止就业机会的年轻人叫钢的保安,而一千年城堡。惠 - JA是购买铸钢体与多个ilnyeom生日和一千城堡,惠 - JA是引诱他,让一千城堡钢...