简介:Plot Synopsis: In the cold, dark waters off North Korea a U.S. Navy fast attack submarine meets with a mysterious disaster - it's attacked and nearly sunk by an ominous stealth submarine resulting in the deaths of the Executive Officer and the Engineering Officer. The sub's captain, Commander Burt Habley (Adrian Paul), faces a court-martial by a Naval Board of Inquiry. He's rescued from this fate when he's chosen to lead a top secret mission back to tap a North Korean underwater communications cable. Habley must protect his boat and crew from this phantom submarine while completing a successful mission. His instincts tell him they're being followed and he begins to navigate the sub away from the original mission and into open waters drawing the phantom sub away from the U.S. fleet. This puts him at odds with his new by-the-book Executive Officer (Mathew St. Patrick) who eventually, with the help of the special missions team, takes command of the submarine and navigates back on course just as they are attacked again. Validated, Habley and his crew come together to defeat this dangerous enemy before they can destroy them or the fleet. 美国2005年电视电影。剧情讲述在北朝鲜的阴冷昏暗的海域里,美国海军的快攻潜艇遇到了神秘的灾难,被一艘潜藏的敌方潜艇袭击,造成了大副和工程师殉职。潜艇船长指挥官哈伯利必须接受海军军事法庭审讯。然而他由于需要带领潜艇完成监听朝鲜海底通讯线路的秘密任务而免于受审。哈伯利要在完成任务的同时保护好自己和潜艇以及船员们的安全……